What our fans are saying

I have had the opportunity to see Karissa in several roles in our community and the surrounding area. If you’re looking for the definition of HUSTLE, look no further. Karissa pours herself into whatever she is working on whether it be for her job, her family, or her community. She is tough, detailed, passionate, and always giving of her time and talent!!

Travis Castle

2017 you believed in my dreams of refurbishing furniture. You helped me see my natural talents could become my dream job and allow me to still be home with my kids.

Jenn Jorgensen

You have inspired my daily hustle in three ways; mind, body, and spirit. Mind: You are wise beyond your years my friend. You have learned the art of staying above the fray, keeping organized and challenged. Then you freely share information with me and others. You’re so giving. We need more people like you. Body: I love your daily motivational post to get workouts in and to stay encouraged with health goals. Your workout and meal prep videos make it easier for a beginner like me to get started and to always try something new. Spirit: You are always in positive spirit, good humor and are resilient. You carry the weight of your work organized and professional. I look forward to continuing to grow professionally and personally in mind body and spirit with a friend like you.

Vernetta Kosalka

Karissa is someone who always pushes me to be a better person whether it be personally or professionally. Her infectious healthy life choices, make me want a lifestyle change and make me think that it can really happen. Professionally we work together to be involved in the Bellevue Community and make each interaction the best that it can be. I feel very honored to call Karissa a friend and peer. She is someone that I bounce ideas off of and her name is right on the tip of my tongue to refer. She is a wonderful person.

Crystal Douglas

No matter when or where I see Karissa she is 100% the same. Her genuine character radiates and I know that it’s something many people appreciate. Personally, her kind demeanor is something I really enjoy seeing and strive to adopt as well.

Sarah Dighans