Starved for Time? Here Are Some Great Gift Ideas for Your Wishlist

Time is the one thing most of us seem to have too little of these days. So in this post we'll focus on ideas for your wishlist that will help you have more of this precious and non-renewable resource. We'll include some options for those who wish to use their time more effectively by focusing their mental energies. So let's get to it, because time's a-wastin'.


 Sometimes, it’s easy to get so caught up in the rinse, lather, repeat process that we neglect ourselves and the opportunity to live our best lives. If you can use a shakeup, consider asking for a coaching package with health and wellness expert Karissa Adkins. Her transformational program can help you reclaim your life, feel in control, and finally get your health back on track.

Stand Up Desk

Sitting for long periods of time can cause all sorts of health problems, according to HuffPost. One way to help minimize these risks is with a stand up desk, which eliminates sedentary behavior while you’re working.

Wireless Headphones

Wireless earbuds are a great accessory. You can take calls, listen to music or use a noise canceling feature to block out distractions.

A Foot Massage Kit

Anyone who runs around all day will come home with sore feet. It's a proven scientific fact (or at least we think it is). In any event, a foot massager or foot care kit will help you to find blissful relief when the day's done.

Meal Delivery Subscription

A great way to save time is with a meal delivery service. You pick out the meals ahead of time, with vegetarian or vegan options. They send you everything you need to prepare great dishes with minimal fuss right in your own home, including pre-sliced, prepackaged ingredients. It can be faster than eating out and usually much healthier.

Gift Certificate for a Maid Service

Raise your hand if you love house cleaning. We're guessing you still have all 10 fingers on your keyboard. Fact is, nobody enjoys performing housekeeping chores, least of all busy professionals. So make life a little easier by asking for a gift certificate for a local maid service.

Coloring Books

If you've never heard of the adult coloring craze, then you need to take a break, because you're working way too hard. This highly therapeutic activity is a great tonic after a crazy week at work.


A calm, well-ordered mind is key to achieving your goals. Nothing induces mental clarity and serenity like meditation, according to Scientific American. Whether it’s an introductory package, a book or a class, this can be a great gift to help you find inner peace.

The time from now until that special occasion is going quickly. You’ve got busy people to shop for. No time like the present.