Self Sabotage, Stress, & Relaxation

What title do you hold? Are you normally a people pleaser? Do you make excuses to put off the inevitable? Do you think you are deserving of all good things in the world? These are all self sabotaging behaviors we have to get out of our heads! Ouch huh? If you feel called out, good; you have some work to do!

So how do we get out of this vicious cycle of self sabotage? First, we identify what needs changing. We respect ourselves enough to be honest and admit what needs fixing. How are we supposed to keep progressing and improving if we are never fully honest with ourselves? Identify what is stopping you and come up with not only a solution, but how you will apply that solution.

Next, find a way to pleasure both sides of your mindset. Every girl has that “good girl” part of us that wants to do better, is super motivated, and thinks all things positive. But, let’s not forget about that “bad girl,” destructive mindset we fall into. It is natural for this side to come out, especially in the busy crazy lives we all live. This is why it is so important to create a mindset menu that helps that “bad girl” within all of us accomplish what the “good girl” wants. A good example of this is when you feel a little out of control, go to the gym; that is somewhere you can control the situation and outcome.

Lastly, we manage our stress in a healthy way; and before you say it, that does not include alcohol, food, work, or self sabotaging behaviors. Creating healthy forms of relaxation is so crucial for not only your mental health, but your physical health! Did you know that digestive stress is 25% what you eat and 75% of who we are when we eat? This means that when we feel stressed, our bodies take a hard hit and get to know the effects.


A good way to manage stress is to not only create healthy forms of relaxation, but identify the indicators of our stress before it is in full effect. For instance, when I am stressed, I get bloated every time I eat or drink anything that is not water. Now, yes this is a pretty big indicator to notice, but indicators do not have a specific size. If you feel a change in your body and mind that is not 100%, that is your indicator! Realizing these indicators also puts you on the track to rating your stress. Imagine how unstoppable you would be if you were able to not only identify the indicator, but to rate it and figure out the best course of action to combat it?!

Put all of these points of growth into action and you too will be on your journey to self identification, realization, and growth to becoming the best version of yourself! Be stronger than the negative beliefs and self-sabotaging thoughts and habits!