Hustle for that Muscle

There are several types of fitness facilities out there; it’s your job to find a gym that feels like home and that works with your schedule. Some gyms are open 24/7 and some only during select times. When you are looking for a gym to join you should look for the three C’s comfortable, clean, and convenient.  Comfortable: Do you feel safe, welcomed, and not judged? A gym should feel like a home and never give you that creepy feeling. Cleanliness: Gyms are filled with LOTS of people and germs, so make sure you ask about the gym’s cleaning policy. (paper towels, cleaning spray, how often the gym gets cleaned, etc.)  Convenient: Don’t join a gym that is out of your way to get to. The gyms that I attend are all close to my work or at least on my way to and from home.You should also ask the staff about guest passes, hours of operations, group classes offered, personal trainers, locker rooms, and definitely ask for a tour. Make sure that you understand what your membership will cost you and what your membership includes.

Here are my top 3 places to get my gym hustle on. First Farrell’s Extreme Body Shaping in Bellevue, Second the Field House on Offutt Air Force Base, and third Fitssentials off of Lincoln Rd. in Bellevue.  Now let me tell you why I love these gyms.

Farrell’s Extreme Body Shaping (FXB) – Member since 2013

FXB provides a 10-week total body transformation with ongoing support in fitness and nutrition. You can find me on the mat Monday’s and Friday’s at 6 am for a kickass kickboxing session. What does FXB do and why do I love them.

1. Group Fitness: Which means you are surrounded by at least 50 other people that want to encourage, motivate and inspire you to be the best that you can be.

2. Kickboxing and Strength Training: The kickboxing classes are based on martial arts, they are high-intensity cardio workouts that burn fat and build endurance while offering variety and fun. The strength training portion is essential to building lean muscle which in turn burns fat and calories.

3. Community-focused: I love businesses that get involved and support their local community. Farrell’s is always supporting their members, schools, chambers, and local events.

 Offutt Field House on Offutt Airforce Base attending since 2012

As a military spouse, I get to use the amazing fitness faculty that Offutt AFB provides. I have been going to the Offutt Field House for several years now…too many to count! I love that the field house provides many different forms of fitness for all ages and types of fit lifestyles. I enjoy the daily group fitness classes, CrossFit area, weight room, and cardio machines. You will always find me there several days a week normally around 5:30 am working on my “Gains” aka: muscles.


Fitssentials provides so many fun group classes such as Zumba, Tabata, Bodyshred, Yoga, and my favorite MIXXEDIT. What I like about Fitssentials is that you are surrounded by positive people, inspiring and motivating you to do your best. I also love the high energy levels that the classes have. The instructors are so fun, friendly, and outgoing they defiantly make fitness fun.

If you are having troubles finding the right gym that fits your needs and wants, feel free to reach out to me. I am happy to help guide you to the perfect gym. Gyms are different; People are different, find a gym that fits your style.

Read more about Farrell’s Extreme Body shaping

Interested in learning more about Fitssentials