Overweight and Ashamed

There was a time that I was embarrassed and ashamed of my body. I can still remember looking into the mirror and hating my reflection. I allowed the inner voice to talk trash and remind me of all the ways that I wasn’t good enough.My relationship with my body was terrible and full of hate, judgment, and shame. Not only was I at war with myself but this negative way of living was starting to affect the other relationships in my life. I have been repairing my relationship with my old self for over 9 years.

I still battle with the “inner trash talker” and the “I’m not good enough Karissa.” But the difference between the old Karissa and the Karissa you all see today is that I have learned to recover and bounce back quicker when times get tough. Instead coping with food, booze, cigarettes, and negative talk I lean into love, support, nourishment, and abundance. I choose the light instead of the darkness.

If this is YOU… If you can relate in some way, I want to tell you that you’re not alone in this world. I want to encourage you to have a conversation with me about your relationship that you have with your body, food, or any other addictive behavior. Let me help you show up in this world.