LOVE Your Life and Live in FLOW!

Do you ever feel like you’re running on auto pilot, going through the motions day-to-day?

Do you want to feel calm, peaceful, and present in your life?

Do you feel overwhelmed, anxious, and unhappy in your life?

I see you my busy boss babes and fellow go-getters!

I’m honestly not sure where my life would be without my morning routine and healthy lifestyle habits! My morning routine helps me show up more powerful every day and my healthy habits allow me to live a life full of health, abundance and love.

I am more patient, clear-headed and creative when I start my day off right. And I feel like I am present and enjoying my day-to-day life instead of weeks just passing by in a hectic blur.

Over the past 8 years, I have been on journey on how to create better balance and flow with the content of my crazy busy life. I have created a magical balance between self-love, following my heart, dreaming BIG, food freedom, and dating life!

The journey has not been easy, in fact I had a shit ton of lessons and heartache that I had to go through.

So, how did I do it? I embraced the following…

  • Failure: I became a humble learner and look for solutions instead of negativity
  • Letting go: Letting go of self-created stories, guilt, and negative thoughts so that I could receive all that is good
  • Self-love & forgiveness: I gave myself permission to love all of me and to forgive myself and others
  • Major Mindset shifts: Transformation begins within the mind. I learned that I can manifest anything that my heart desires

I am ready to share my experiences, AHA’s and life lessons with you.

I want you to stop fearing the unknown and Play Big in Life! I want you to look in the mirror and love who you see! I want you to view and appreciate life for everything that it has to offer you! I am inviting you on this journey because I want you to feel like I do now! I am not saying that the process will be easy, and I hope that you’re not looking for a quick fix. Because true growth and freedom come from self-care, healthy habits, discipline, consistency, and hustle.

Hi, my name is Karissa Williams. I am a Certified Life, Health, and Mindset Coach, I work with people who struggle with work-life balance. I help them find peace and happiness within their busy lives. When I first start to work with my clients, they are trying to balance their health, stress, relationships, self-care, career, business, etc. and quite often they are on the verge of burnout. After working with them they feel like they are back in the driver’s seat and living life to the fullest. I don’t know about you but when I feel like I have a handle on my life everything seems less stressful and everyone around me benefits.

I have a gift for you, I would love to offer you a complimentary 30-45-minute Discovery Coaching Call. During this call we will uncover what’s stopping you, slowing you down or keeping you from reaching your goals, dreams and desired outcomes and what to do about it. This coaching session is guaranteed to leave you feeling motivated, inspired, and empowered to take action. If you would like to have a coaching session with me, please click on the link and schedule a day and time that work best for you. (Please choose Discovery call) this free coaching session is held over the phone so no need to worry about being local or meeting up for coffee or lunch.