Spring Clean Your Body: Why Detoxing is Essential for Women’s Health

Alpha Queen Collective Blog - Queen Karissa Adkins - Spring Clean Your Body Why Detoxing is Essential for Women's Health - Karissa sitting at counter with vegetables and holding a green smoothie

Spring is a time for renewal and rejuvenation, both for our physical surroundings and our bodies. While most people focus on decluttering their homes during spring cleaning, it’s also important to take some time to detoxify our bodies from the junk and toxins that have built up over time.  Women, in particular, tend to pick […]

Nutella – Stress Eating

Nutella Love it or hate it, but I can live without it. No matter how you view this sweet jar of goodness this crap is NOT healthy for you. What I am about to tell you is SCARY, but true. If you love Nutella, I’m sorry because this post may upset you. (Storytime) I went many […]

Food Prep 06.24.18 Breakfast Burritos

Did someone say Breakfast Burritos? Yep, I did, check out this weeks food prep video. Breakfast Burritos are simple to assemble, cost-effective, and family friendly. Enjoy

Food Prep 06.24.18

This weeks food prep video shows how to create a delicious couscous salad topped with spicy shrimp and green beans on the side.

Food Prep 101- 7 tips for becoming a food prep master

I remember my first meal plan and I choose to work with the experts at Max Muscle in Bellevue, NE. I got to know Matt Showalter through networking opportunities that the Bellevue Chamber of Commerce offered. The reason that I decided to try a meal plan was that I was just coming off of a […]

Food is Fuel?

As the planet’s health continues to decline the longer humans roam the earth and destroy it, leading scientists are scrambling to figure out what we can do to reverse the clock. Can we take back time though; how big of a difference would a few small changes make anyways? A big factor in the planet’s […]

Here are 6 reasons why You should STOP Dieting

People seek confidence through diets, yet diets destroy confidence. Diets have a 95% failure rate leaving many people frustrated and feeling like a failure. With a 95% failure rate, why do people still attempt diets? Thinking “this time it will be different.” True confidence is built through keeping promises to ourselves. Confidence means walking into […]


Serotonin is a chemical that has a wide variety of functions in the human body. It is sometimes called the happy chemical, because it contributes to our wellbeing and happiness. Did you know that 90% of our Serotonin is created in our digestive track? Yep, totally true. A lot of people believe that it is […]